function [] = disp_tracking(filename); close all; % load tracking data sv_tracking_data = load(filename); [cr, cn ] = size(sv_tracking_data); time_idx = [1:cr]; %file format: % colomn 1 -----column 11 % column 1: ms_count % column 2: I_arm output % column 3: Q_arm_output % column 4: instantaneous_theta % column 5: instantaneous_freq % column 6: doppler_freq, carrier % column 7: dcarr % column 8: code NCO freq % column 9: magnitude of early corr % column 10: magnitude of prompt corr % column 11: magnitude of late corr figure(1); subplot(211),plot(time_idx, sv_tracking_data(:,2)); ylabel('I_arm output'); xlabel('time in MS'); axis tight subplot(212),plot(time_idx, sv_tracking_data(:,3)); ylabel('Q_arm output'); xlabel('time in MS'); axis tight figure(2); subplot(211),plot(time_idx, sv_tracking_data(:,4)); ylabel('\Delta phase in Costas loop'); xlabel('time in MS'); axis tight subplot(212),plot(time_idx, sv_tracking_data(:,5)); ylabel('\Delta \tau in DLL loop'); xlabel('time in MS'); axis tight figure(3); subplot(211),plot(time_idx, sv_tracking_data(:,6) - 1.4053968E6 ); ylabel('Carrier Doppler Freq'); xlabel('time in MS'); axis tight subplot(212),plot(time_idx, sv_tracking_data(:,8)/2 - 1.023e6 ); ylabel('Code Doppler Freq'); xlabel('time in MS'); axis tight figure(4); plot(time_idx, sv_tracking_data(:,9), '.b-', time_idx, sv_tracking_data(:,10),'+k-', time_idx,sv_tracking_data(:,11),'*r-'); legend('Early','Prompt','Late'); ylabel('Correlator output'); xlabel('time in MS'); axis tight figure(5); plot(sv_tracking_data(2000:cr,2), sv_tracking_data(2000:cr,3),'*','MarkerSize',2); axis([-2500,2500,-2500,2500]); title('I VS Q'); figure(6); plot( sv_tracking_data(:,10));